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The Living Design Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) 
The Foundation supports the The Learning Lab at Langley which is comprised of:
1.  The Kitchen 
2.  The Wood Shop
3.  The Garden/Greenhouse 
The community gathers here. 
We cook. We eat. We create.
We build, garden, and grow community. 
Its 3 major functions...  
  • Community organizations, many other non-profits hold meetings and events in its large space. 
  • It's an educational platform where community expert and multi-generational knowledge is passed on from one to the next.
  • 'Living by Design' - it's the every day knowledge and skills our young people need.  It's our core curriculum: everything from  Finance to Food to Communication, from gardening to legal contracts  and nutrition to volunteerism.
    Designed to connect 
  head, hands, and heart

Checks made to:   Living Design Foundation

sent to:   513 Anthes Ave, Langley, WA 98260

Nautilus with Wood Kitchen and Gardens.j

The Learning Lab is comprised of The Wood Shop, The Kitchen,

and The Garden/Greenhouse and located in the new South Whidbey Community Center

(old Middle School) and just behind WICA


 Sponsored by:   Living Design Foundation  a 501(c)(3)

723 Camano Ave. Langley WA 98260

Tel: 970-381-4091

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